DIY Hot Oil Hair Treatment Recipes

DIY Hot Oil Hair Treatment Recipes

Hair oiling is part of traditional Ayurvedic care as it conditions the hair and scalp, and promotes relaxation. A hot oil treatment retains moisture, treats a dry and itchy scalp, adds body and shine, and softens your hair. It also assists in the prevention of frizz, breakage and hair loss, which is perfect if you want to grow your hair long or after hair loss due to a physical ailment.  If your hair is thin or fine, it might be best to add the oils to a conditioner as oils can be difficult to remove from your hair. Hair oiling works best on medium to thick hair:

There’s no denying that olive oil has many benefits for your body inside and out. Not only is it a fantastic conditioner and moisturizer for hair as it penetrates hair better than other oils, it contains anti-inflammatory properties that promote scalp health and prevent dandruff. Plus, since it’s natural it’s not likely to cause an allergic reaction which make it ideal for sensitive skin and hair. Extra virgin olive oil is rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, an antioxidant important for hair growth.

It’s been said that natural coconut oil works better than any over-the-counter treatments because it’s free of silicone, alcohol and other chemicals that can aggravate sensitive skin and hair. It works well for repairing processed, damaged hair and for bringing moisture back to dry hair. Its antifungal properties also makes it a terrific anti-dandruff treatment.

Jojoba oil can be found in many conditioners and moisturizers as its natural properties from the desert plant called Simmondsia Chinensis are superior for skin and hair (it’s known to help acne and reduce scars). Jojoba oil moisturizers and conditions your scalp; is said to help create new hair cell growth; is non-greasy and odorless; non-irritating; antibacterial; deep cleanses follicles, and prevents hair from being brittle and dull.

Items you’ll need:

  • At least three (3) tablespoons of a carrier oil such as jojoba, coconut oil or olive.
  • Four (4) drops of your favorite essential oil, such as rosemary for stimulating and soothing the scalp, or lavender for relaxation.
  • Combine your choice of carrier and essential oils in a small glass jar that can be resealed.
  • Place the jar in a bowl of very hot water until the oil is warm. (If you’re using coconut oil, it may take a little while for it to melt.)

Hot Oil Treatment:

  • Using your fingertips, gently but firmly massage the mixture into your hair and scalp for several minutes. Make sure to apply a little of the blend all the way down the length of your hair to the ends.
  • Wrap your hair with a plastic shower cap or plastic film, then cover it with a warm towel to set the oils.
  • Replace with another warm towel once the first one has cooled. Leave the blend on for at least 30 to 50 minutes as you want the oils to really sink into the hair shaft. You can leave it on overnight, but you should remove the plastic wrap and sleep with a dry towel on your pillow to absorb the oil.
  • When time is up, apply shampoo and thoroughly lather your hair. Rinse the shampoo out, then shampoo a second time to get all the oil out.
  • Rinse well with warm water, then follow with a final rinse of cool water as this cools the scalp and prevents hair breakage.
  • Follow with a light conditioner.

Coconut Oil

  • Warm one-half (1/2) cup coconut until it turns to a liquid consistency.
  • Add two (2) tablespoons rose water, and two (2) drops each of patchouli and ylang ylang essential oils. Mix well.
  • Gently massage about four (4) tablespoons of the oil into your hair and scalp.
  • Wrap your hair in a towel and allow the oils to penetrate for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  • Shampoo twice and rinse as usual then condition with a light conditioner.
  • You can even leave it in overnight to allow your hair to drink up the oil.

Jojoba Oil

  • Warm the bottle of jojoba oil in hot water for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Pour about one (1) teaspoon of oil in your palms, and massage evenly through your hair and down to your scalp.
  • Massage your scalp gently until you feel relaxed.
  • Wrap hair in warm towel for 30 to 50 minutes, then shampoo twice and rinse well with warm water.
  • Follow with a light conditioner.

Olive Oil

  • Add olive oil and a drop of your favorite essential oil to your regular hair conditioner for a deeply hydrating hair mask.
  • Or massage olive oil into your hair all the way to the ends.
  • Wrap hair in a warm towel for about 30 to 50 minutes; then shampoo. Some people like to leave the olive oil on overnight and then shampoo in the morning.
  • Use a light conditioner after your oil treatment.

For fabulously silky soft hair, continue using a hot oil treatment for your hair and scalp once a week as a part of your regular routine.


DIY Body Butter Recipes: How to make your own body butter

DIY Body Butter Recipes: How to make your own body butter

If you want beautiful baby-soft skin all over,  moisturizers like body butters are an indulgent way to hydrate your skin. By adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil, they become the perfect vehicle to scent your body with delectable fragrances while making your skin oh-so-touchable. So we have included instructions on how to make your own DIY body butter with two wonderful recipes.

How to Make Home-made Body Butter

  • Place carrier oils, vegetable oils, beeswax, and Shea or cocoa butter in a heatproof glass mixing bowl inside a saucepan.
  • Keeping stirring the ingredients over medium heat until they’ve melted and blended well. (It takes a little while for the beeswax to completely dissolve, so be patient.)
  • Remove mixture from heat and stir in vitamin E oil, essential oils, or vanilla extract.
  • Whip with an electric handheld mixer for a few minutes until a butter-like consistency is attained, or the mixture forms peaks.
  • Fill a clean glass jar (not plastic as body butter can pick up smells) with the butter, and allow to come to room temperature.

Geranium and Ylang Ylang Body Butter

1/2 Tblsp. cocoa butter
1/2 Tblsp. beeswax, either grated or in pellets
4 drops vitamin E oil
2 Tblsp. coconut oil
2 Tblsp. almond oil
1/4 tsp. glycerin
25 drops geranium essential oil
12 drops ylang ylang essential oil

Vanilla Body Butter

1/4 cup sweet almond oil
2 Tblsp. coconut oil
1 oz. beeswax, either grated or in pellets
2 tsp. Shea butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Home-made body butters will keep for about three months at room temperature. However, those that contain coconut oil may soften in the summer, so if this happens just put the butter in the refrigerator. You’ll have plenty left over to continue using. And the fragrance will remind you of the relaxing benefits you’ve treated yourself to throughout the day. For more info on how to make you own body butter, watch the video below:

Or for more tips on how to treat your body head to our Body page.

TIP: Apply your body butter to your skin while it is still wet after stepping out of the bath or shower. You will only need a very small amount as body butter will glide over your skin. What’s more your skin absorbs moisturizing products better when its wet.

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